There was confusion among the people about WhatsApp that there is no record of deleting the case. But in recent days, WhatsApp chats of many of Mumbai's biggest movie stars have been leaked and drug sales have come to light. In this case, people are confused that WhatsApp will not be able to delete chats.
Let me tell you, no third party will be able to read a conversation between two people on WhatsApp. But deleted chats can be recovered from your phone. In this case, we are going to tell you how to delete WhatsApp chat parameter or keep it safe even after deleting chat in phone.
Authentication for WhatsApp Chat - WhatsApp has given its customers an authentication feature. Which is called two factor authentication code. With the help of authentication code, you can enter 6 digit code in your WhatsApp. Because of this code, no hacker will be able to clone your WhatsApp. If a hacker tries to clone WhatsApp, then he will need an authentication code and without that code he will not be able to open WhatsApp.
The world's most used chatting app, WhatsApp, said in a blog post on Thursday that it will soon start charging companies for their business chat service. Let me tell you that WhatsApp business has over 50 million business users. Currently, WhatsApp has not disclosed how much will be charged for this service. WhatsApp has recently launched a new feature and WhatsApp TSAP business account for Android users.
WhatsApp, the world's most used chatting app, said in a blog post on Thursday that it would soon start charging companies for their business chat service. Let us know that WhatsApp has more than 50 million business users. Currently, WhatsApp has not disclosed how much will be charged for this service. WhatsApp has recently launched a new feature and WhatsApp TSAP business account for Android users.
WhatsApp said this in a blog post
WhatsApp has announced a pay-to-message option for more than a million business users. "We will charge some services to provide free end-to-end encrypted text, video and voice calling to more than two billion business customers," the company said.
WhatsApp has announced a pay-to-message option for more than a million business users. "We will charge some services to provide free end-to-end encrypted text, video and voice calling to more than two billion business customers," the company said.
WhatsApp has created a separate application for business users called Business Business. This is a market place where people can do business through chat. Now a new feature of direct purchase from this platform is coming soon. WhatsApp believes that this feature will help small businesses grow their business. The company has started sending notifications to its business users for this new feature.
Now the company has said that their data will be shared on Facebook in a special case to awaken both their business and customers. In addition the Facebook hosting solution will require additional payment. The Facebook hosting service provided to WhatsApp users will be encrypted end-to-end. That is, no one else will be able to see the messages between business customers. The company said they have thought a lot about it. We will maintain full transparency in the business that takes place here.
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